Welcome to My Creative Space: Where Stories Come to Life


Welcome to my creative sanctuary! This blog offers a glimpse into the space where I bring my stories to life. Whether you’re a fellow writer, a reader, or simply curious about what goes on behind the scenes, I hope you’ll find inspiration and joy in these posts.

A Tour of My Writing Nook

Due to the amount of time I spend traveling, much of my creative space travels with me. However, at home, I have a dedicated space for my writing that I love. At times, it can get cluttered, particularly when I’m in editing mode and trying to stay focused rather than procrastinating with tidying and decluttering. I share the room with my son, and it can be quite entertaining to see the difference between a med student’s and a writer’s desks!

The Desk: After nearly a decade of searching, I found my perfect desk on Marketplace. It came from an engineering firm that upgraded to standing desks, and it’s just right for me. I can spread out, use my Mac, handwrite, or use my laptop as needed.

The View: This desk doesn’t offer a view, but I get plenty of scenery while traveling. Instead, I’ve surrounded myself with pictures of the important people in my life and little ornaments.

Decor: Inspired by Candace ‘Candy’ Havens, I have several symbolic ornaments on my desk that help with character development and plot nutting. Each piece has a personal significance, like the three wise monkeys representing my family, a Santa in a golf jersey for my husband, and an ornamental stack of books for my mom.

Walls: The walls are adorned with my book covers, framed family photos, and friends’ images, keeping me focused and engaged even when I feel isolated.

Each of my ‘totems’ represent people who are important in my life, and keep me company when I write. Not to mention listen to me sounding off about various writing woes!

Tools of the Trade

Every writer has their favourite tools. Here are mine:

Notebooks and Pens: I was a stationery hoarder but now discipline myself to a few favourites. I love my three fountain pens and my Remarkable 2, which replaces physical notebooks and is incredibly portable.

Technology: I rely on my laptop for drafting and editing, and at home, I use a Mac. My favourite software includes MS Office 365 for writing, planning, accounting, and marketing. I also use Atticus for formatting and Canvas for cover design.

Bookshelves: My shelves are filled with books that inspire me, from classic literature to contemporary romance, and craft books to journals.

Developing your craft is so important. You never stop learning.
A lot of my craft books are still in New Zealand, so I keep the majority on Kindle. These are some of my collection, and always close to hand.

Creating the Right Atmosphere

Ambiance plays a huge role in my creative process:

Lighting: I prefer natural light during the day and soft, warm lighting in the evenings. Fairy lights add a whimsical touch, and my vlogging light has alternative settings to change from soft and warm, to cool and bright.

Music: My writing playlist is eclectic, ranging from classical music to movie soundtracks. I have specific playlists for different writing stages. My current list for Mr Rekindled (Working Title, Mr Second Time Around can be found here).

Scents: A scented candle or essential oil diffuser helps set the mood. I have blends like Uplifting with ylang-ylang, bergamot, lavender, and rosemary, and Rose Coloured Glasses with sweet orange, geranium, and rose. Some I purchased in the Frazer Valley, British Columbia, but when I came home I found them in Dusk in WA, so they clearly sell blends around the world.

Who doesn’t love essential oils? There’s rarely a time we don’t have a diffuser, or a candle burning in the house.

The Rituals

Rituals help me transition into writing mode:

Morning Pages: I start my day with freewriting to clear my mind and warm up my writing muscles, using Julia Cameron’s Write for Life, and The Writing Diet processes.

Breaks and Walks: Regular breaks and walks in nature keep me refreshed and often lead to story breakthroughs.

Healthy Snacks: I keep healthy snacks and water at my desk to stay nourished and hydrated.

Reading: Reading widely fuels my creativity. I always have a book on hand, whether in paperback, ebook, or audio, and make time to read every day. I like also to read across genres, and while romance is always my fall back, I love reading cozy mysteries, thrillers, and women’s fiction, political autobiographies, and craft books. It makes for a diverse reading experience, while growing my knowledge of the world! My favourite reads can be found here, and my favourite craft books will be added shortly.

I love this Morning Pages journal. I found it in Lucky Charm, and the Hummingbird represents everything that’s good in my life at the moment.

Challenges and Solutions

Like any writer, I face challenges:

Writer’s Block: When the words don’t flow, I switch projects or change my environment. Be careful though, shiny new projects can be a nightmare for writers, and often lead to nothing being completed – trust me I know!

Distractions: Staying focused is key. I use apps to limit social media and set specific writing goals.

Balancing Life and Writing: With a busy family life, finding balance can be tough. I carve out dedicated writing time and stick to it as much as possible. Obviously, as with everything, life throws its curveballs, but I try if I fall out of routine, to keep building systems to draw me back to my desk, or into alternative writing spaces (cafes, libraries, even the train) away from stresses to keep pushing forward.

Inspiration and Motivation

One of the more beautiful and inspirational places I’ve travelled to this year. Cultus Lake, British Columbia. What isn’t inspirational in this kind of view.

Inspiration is everywhere:

Travel: Exploring new places sparks fresh ideas, which I often incorporate into my stories. In that respect, I’m so lucky to have family in different parts of the world, and to have homes in two of the most beautiful countries! It doesn’t need to be a holiday! My son in law loves to book airbnb’s for a weekend away from home, where he can immerse himself in creativity away from the noise of everyday life. I think it’s an awesome idea, as it changes things up and offers an opportunity for walking in fresh spaces, provides peace and quiet, and has the capacity to inspire fresh new ideas – pretty cool really!

Conversations: Engaging with readers, other writers, and strangers can provide new perspectives and ideas. If you’re new to writing, or feeling isolated as a writer, I’d honestly reach out to local groups, as not only is it stimulating, but it helps creating healthy and vibrant networks on which to build your writing career.

Art and Music: Visiting galleries, listening to new music, and watching films all contribute to my creative well. Spotify is without doubt one of my more commonly used tools, and YouTube, which has some incredibly useful crafting and educational resources and podcasts.


Thank you for visiting my creative space! I hope these glimpses into my writing world inspire you in your own creative endeavors. Whether you’re setting up your writing nook or looking for new rituals to boost your productivity, remember that your space reflects you. Make it a place that brings you joy and inspiration every day.

Feel free to leave comments, share your own creative space tips, or ask questions. Happy writing!